Thursday, 14 February 2013

Geoff's Pilgrims - 2/3 March 2013

Geoff has suggested a bit of a different ride for a change - take the train to Gillingham and then ride back to Canterbury on the Pilgrim's Way.

Don't know how far that is or the exact route but it sounds interesting. Geoff has suggested either the 2nd or 3rd March so we have plenty of time to get in in people's diaries.

I am up for this, anyone else?

More info here


  1. Due to sudden influx of manque d'intérêt i am making an executive decision to delay this for another week. i still want to do this and will be doing so, just not this weekend.
    There will be a MTB ride this Sunday 3rd Feb. see blog for details

  2. Has this happened and I have missed it in a drunken misty hangover type way.
    Did I do it?
    Did I ride like a god on wings of gossamer?
    I bet I was great.
    If we decide to do it again I'm in

